Today is December 1st and i feel like the Christmas season is finally upon us. (technically, its been here since the day after thanksgiving i guess) since thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, i'm a firm no christmas anything before thanksgiving. i hate that it gets overlooked because we are in such a hurry to move on to christmas. typically, i won't even order my favorite christmas drink at starbucks until after thanksgiving is over and i absolutely will NOT listen to christmas music early. it's a big deal to me.
anyway, now that it is december, bring on the christmas festivities! i spent a couple hours today baking christmas cookies for an event at church tonight while listening to my Tennessee christmas mix (who doesn't love some old school amy grant? circa 1983...i wasn't even alive then...) on pandora. bliss.
at this point in my life, i don't have very many christmas decorations to speak of. hopefully this will change over the next several years. here are a few pics of my favorite christmas-y things around my house.
i made a "wreath"! i'm not sure what to call this exactly since it's not really round, but we'll just stick with a wreath for now. i saw this idea on pinterest. this is actually the first pinterest project that i've done. i'm pretty pleased with how it turned out! i love that our door has something fun to hang on it now too!
so robyn turned our kitchen chalkboard into a countdown for christmas! i LOVE it.
so this isn't really a decoration per say, but i did think he looked pretty cute all festive and lit up! while we were putting up our tree on sunday, i decided i would just see if troop would cooperate and let me take a picture of him with the christmas lights. i'm not quite sure how i pulled this one off, but it happened! and before you tell me that i was torturing my pup and yada yada, just know he got plenty of treats after this pic and happily went back to chewing his bone.
i don't have a picture of our tree, but i think it turned out pretty cute too! merry christmas y'all! may your days be merry and bright!